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​Our Story


The McCabe13 story starts with the marriage of Daniel Albert McCabe and Elizabeth Mary McCusker in 1918.

They had 13 children who survived infancy and started their own families. We are scattered across the United States but still are linked together in spirit.

Of course, Dan and Betty have family other than their children and they too are part of the extended McCabe and McCusker clans.


In honor of the spirit of the McCabe Family reunion, please send in your favorite memory or picture to be included on this website.

If you have a memory to share, send a message to Judi McCabe Colliflower at

Additionally, you can also post your memory on the McMemories Facebook page at: 

For those attending, please bring photos to share with the family. If you are unable to attend but want to share photos, send copies to Judi.

We would love to have as many pictures and stories as possible.  

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